
Button Sizes

Active state

Basic example

# First Name Last Name Username
1 Mark Otto @mdo
2 Jacob Thornton @fat
3 Larry the Bird @twitter
3 Larry the Bird @twitter

Data Table

# First Name Last Name Email
1 Mark Otto [email protected]
2 Jacob Thornton [email protected]
3 Larry the Bird [email protected]
4 Robin Thornton [email protected]
5 Batman Otto [email protected]

Horizontal forms

Inline Forms

Textarea WYSIWYG

Form control states

Some value here

Extending form controls

Use the same .col-* classes from the grid system for input sizes
You may also use static classes that don't map to the grid, adapt to the responsive CSS styles, or account for varying types of controls (e.g., input vs. select).
Here's more help text
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